Dennis Salts District 5320 Business Rotarian of the year 2006-07

Rotary International District 5320
Includes all of Orange County and the Southern part of Los Angles County. The district has 50 Rotary Clubs with 2,300 members.
District 5320 Business Rotarian of the Year 2007
Criteria used in the selection of Dennis Salts
• Candidate Exemplifies the Principals of the Four Way Test
• Dennis lives by the principals of the four way test. He treats people with respect and is highly respected in the community.
• Candidate is Respected in Chosen Field
• In his career in the supermarket business, Dennis was respected by management, employees, and customers. He earned numerous service awards. He challenged people to be the best they can be, and helped them to achieve their goals.
• Active Rotary Club Member
• In Rotary, Dennis is very active both in our club and in the district. He is a Paul Harris Society member. This year, he is an Assistant Governor and Youth Co-Director in our District. He will be the District Youth Director for the year 2007-08. Dennis is a volunteer for the 2008 LA Rotary Convention. He worked at Snowball and is on the committee for the Operation One Family event.
• Active in Community
• In the community, Dennis is active working with schools, the library and the chamber of commerce, and he is a trustee of all three. In addition, Dennis helps other clubs with their community events. He inspires and involves youth and adults to work together for the good of all.
• Active in Humanitarian Service
• As a humanitarian, Dennis sent and encouraged his youth groups to send packages to our troops in Iraq. He supports Rotary International Foundation. With his support, his High School Interact Clubs are helping at senior care facilities, homeless feeding stations and do tutoring for homeless kids. His High School Interactors work with Explorer Scouts in projects like “Scouting for Food.”
• High Ethical Standards
• Dennis models the four way test. He has earned the respect of all who know him. He is referred to as a straight-shooter, a person who can be depended upon and trusted.