Soroptimist International Honors Dennis Salts

Soroptimist International Honors Dennis Salts
Soroptimist International of Buena Park held their third annual City wide Community Service Awards. The event was at the Buena Park Holiday Inn on June 8th at 6 PM. A Diner and Fashion Show were followed by the Awards…………………………………..
Dennis Salts was honored for his “Dignity of service” to the community and the world. Dennis is the Rotary 5320 Youth Director and Business Rotarian of the year 2006-07. He is a very active volunter with youth in the Southern California Region. Including Schools, Libraries, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Interact, Rotaract, Arts Foundation, Huntington Library and the Historical Society. This year Dennis was named a
a “Cliff Dochterman” Award Winner by the International Scouting Fellowship.
Buena Park Mayor Patsy Marshall, Councilman Steve Berry, Art Brown and Don McCay were on hand to congratulate all of this years winners. One of the winners was Yeon Grace Lee who won the Violet Richardson Award. Ms. Lee is an Interactor Club Member in Rotary District 5320.
When Salts accepted the award he said ” Buena Park is a family friendly community which I am proud to be a part of.” Dennis has lived in Buena Park for nearly 40 years.