Rotary Club of Long Beach 90th Anniversary
Rotary Club of Long Beach 90th Anniversary held on Queen Mary October 10, 2007
Long Beach Rotary Club President Jan Netherton presided over the Anniversary Luncheon.
The Celebration took place in the Grand Ballroom of the Queen Mary. District Governor John Brainerd welcomed Rotary International President Wilfred Wilkinson to the event. The room was filled with Rotarians from District 5320.
The Entertainment was the Long Beach International Children’s Choir. Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster congratulated the club on its 90 years of service to Long Beach. Several past presidents talked about the history of LB Rotary. The keynote speaker was Wilfred Wilkinson RI President 2007-08. President Wilkinson discussed his many experiences as a Rotarian, he urged all Rotarians invite someone to join Rotary. The future is ours to build.