Workability Program Helps Youth with Special Needs
Confidence building, learning new skills and fun are combined in Rotary Workability Events
Local high school students with special needs have a great time while experiencing new
life skills and meeting new friends, The Rotary Workability, Interact, Exploring Advisory board (picture attached) met Wednesday Sept. 26 to discuss the upcoming needs of the Program. In attendance were Rotary Governor John Brainerd Governor elect Roger McGonegal and past District governors Jim deBoom and Lane Calvert District Youth chair. Dennis Salts Rotary Workability co chair Gary Hickman and Exploring leadership. With them were the leaders of the School workability Programs Rotary has supported for the last Five years.
The discussion was a New Camp location Camp Rotary Oso Lake Boy Scout camp in Rancho Santa Margarita They also discussed the great manpower support Rotarians have supplied over the years.
The Key issue was the loss of State funding for Special needs programs. Workability Special needs School District Directors will be approaching your clubs for Scholarships for their students $200.-00 for a classroom of 10 or more . We normally bring 100 special needs you or more from throughout the District. If you would like to see or help with the program it will be at the Newport Sea base Wednesday Oct. 24th and at the new Camp Rotary Lake Oso on November 28. For further information on how to volunteer call Lane Calvert at 714-546-8558-181 or email or call Jim deBoom at the District office at 714-921-1881 or Email at