RI President for 2007-08 will be DK Lee

Rotary International President-elect DK Lee

Rotary International President-elect
Dong Kurn Lee (DK Lee)
From Korea
Dong Kurn Lee is chairman of Bubang Co. Ltd. and Bubang Techron Co. Ltd., manufacturing companies in Seoul. D.K. currently serves as a trustee to both the Busan College of Information Technology and Semyung University and is a past president of his high school and college alumni associations. A member of the Rotary Club of Seoul Hangang since 1971, D.K. has served RI as director, treasurer, district governor, RI training leader, and zone and regional coordinator for membership development. He also has served as a Rotary Foundation trustee and regional Rotary Foundation coordinator. He is chair of the Polio Eradication Private Sector Initiative in Korea. D.K. is a recipient of The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service. As district governor, he was recognized at the 1996 RI Convention as the winner of the Calgary Challenge for the most successful membership development efforts. [Spouse: Young Ja]
On Jan 10th R.I. President-elect Lee and his wife Young will be the honored dinner guests of three Rotary Clubs Buena Park, Westminster Global City and Garden Grove . The event location is Knott’s Berry Farm Resort Hotel. Starting at 5:30 the dignitaries will be meeting and mingling with the attendees during the reception. Dinner begins at 6:30 PM.
For more info contact: Shailesh Shah at 714/522-6700. Buena Park Rotary President Shailesh Shah will be on hand to honor DK Lee and Young at the event.