Cowboys and Rotarians having fun

East meets west at Knott’s Berry Farm as bank robbers meet D. K. Lee
The excitement of the old west came alive Thursday night, January 10th at Knott’s Berry Farm Resort Hotel. Two stunt men played like outlaws and entered the gala celebration with guns blazing. They were looking for several notorious villains. The wanted posters read: “Laughing John”, “the TopGun,” “Rowdy Roger, “ “Quick Draw Sara,” “Big Bad Bret “, “Five Card Lane,” “Slim Jim,” “the Viking, ” “the Joker , ” and “the Dancer.”
After the outlaws were “rounded up” and held for Reward money in came Sheriff DK Lee from Evanston, Illinois, who used a big bag of gold to pay their bounties. It was great fun for everyone as Rotary International President-elect DK Lee became Sheriff DK for the evening!
The occasion was a Special Dinner to Honor DK Lee and his wife Young Ja. The multi- club event was hosted by Buena Park, Garden Grove and Westminster Global City Rotary Clubs. There were 150 people in attendance from 25 different Rotary Clubs.
Awards and recognitions were given out by Clubs Presidents. Congressman Ed Royce was honored for his years of service both at home and internationally, and he became an Honorary Member of Buena Park Rotary. The Certificate was presented by D. K. Lee and Club President Shailesh Shah gave Ed his Rotary Pin.
Other Dignitaries in attendance included: Mike Pinson Aide to DK Lee, RI Zone 23 & 24 Director Paul Netzel, Rotary Foundation Trustee Dr. Mike Abdalla, Rotary District 5320 Governor John Brainerd, DGE Roger McGonegal, DGN Bret Gerdes, Orange County Board of Supervisors Chairman Chris Norby, The Mayor of Buena Park Jim Dow, The Mayor of Garden Grove Bill Dalton, Stanton Mayor Ed Royce SR, and Cypress College President Raul Alvarez.
A team of twelve Korean Club members danced and sang for D.K. Lee & his wife Young. The students were from Buena Park High School. The traditional costumes included colorful fans for the fan dance. AP Dr. Greg Buckner is a sponsor for the students.
The DK Lee event planning committee Chairman and event Master of Ceremonies Dennis Salts, PP, AG Area 3, District 5320 Youth Programs Director. Committee members: Buena Park Rotary Shailesh Shah, Club President, Steve Chen, AG Area 7; Woo Lim, Don Prescott, Dr. Elizabeth Swift and Dr. Diane Scheerhorn.
Westminster Rotary Celly Adamo, President-Elect. Garden Grove Rotary: Dwight Tompkins, Club President and Joseph Pak. Norwalk Rotary: Sara Sultze, AG Area 6
Event Photographers Mark Schmidt, Villa Park; Mike Hartz , Centralia SD; Jaysam Thanki, professional Photographer. George West Invocation, Rotaract Governor Carlos Franco and Chris Makiuchi Interact Governor lead the group in the Four-Way-Test.