Needy Children’s Shopping Spree
Needy Children’s Shopping Spree at Buena Park Mall
Each year before Christmas Buena Park Rotary teams up with other service clubs to hold a Needy Children’s Shopping Spree. The 2008 shopping spree was a big success 135 students received three major gifts.
1. At Sears they shopped for clothes.
2. At Payless they received a pair of shoes
3. Santa gave them a goodie bag and a Knott’s One Day Pass.
The full retail value of these total nearly $175 for each child.
Our Club President Baron Night was the chairman this year for this city wide event. The funding was provided by various Buena Park Service Clubs. Our Club donated $1,000 and members donated more individually. Maha Ryan was the treasurer for the event. Knott’s donated 135 one day passes.
There were 8 Buena Park Rotary Members who helped at the event they were:
Baron Night, Steve Chen, Ed Lucas, Maha Ryan, Dave Caldwell, Miller Oh, Christiane and Dennis Salts.
There were 27 Buena Park Interactors who helped at the event they were:
Alejandro Biviano, Lizseth Rodriguez, Ma.Argel Limbago, Athennas Franco, Analizeth Castillo, Malessa Emsis, Sothy Tang, Sabrina Arringa, Ernesto SSantiago, Steven Aguilar, Megan Esparza, Henry Kwon, Urina Villajir, Sonny Muntean, Mariana Mendez, Ielaf Altoma, Maria Pablo, Alex Gutierroz, Jennifer Hernandez, Michael Barado, Malorie Detlefsen, Jann Rodriguez, Tiffany Waller, Kenaall Sutton, Angelina Bryant, Michelle Le, Lawrenz Santos
From Savanna High Interact there were 2 volunteers: Luis Martin and Charmaine Castanos
We also had 24 volunteers from Villa Park Interact Club, thanks to May Huey.
Individual Citizen Volunteers and church groups helped us during the day. It was truly a City Wide event.