2010 Teachers of the year named
Each year Buena Park Rotary Club honors distinguished local Teachers. In addition, Classified Employees are essential for schools, so we also honor Outstanding Classified Employees. This year’s honorees are:
Savanna High
Distinguished Teacher Brian Belski
Classified Employee Lisa Cruz
Buena Park High School
Distinguished Teacher Mark Vermillion.
Classified Employee Sandra Garcia
Centralia School District Raymond Temple School
Distinguished Teacher Sandy O’Dea
Classified Employee Charlene Fields
Buena Park School District Pendleton School
Distinguished Teacher Yona Roberts
Classified Employee Carmen Sandoval
Last years honoree’s for 2009 were:
Savanna High:
Distinguished Teacher Aracely Portillo—
Classified Employee Barbara Brooks.
Buena Park High School:
Distinguished Teacher Tamara Rodriguez-Kam-Classified Employee Bernie Rivas.
Centralia School District:
Distinguished Teacher Elizabeth “Betsy” Cruz–Classified Employee Mary Kamhi.
Buena Park School District:
Distinguished Teacher Alisha Tardiff—
Classified Employee Sue Pike.