Jan 8, 2011 7th Annual After the Holidays Party
Buena Park Rotary Club Service Event Holiday Party
On January 8th Rotarians Shailesh and Swati Shah hosted an International After-the-Holidays party in their home. This is the 7 year for this annual event. All club members and their families were invited. Featured at the event was freshly-made Indian cuisine prepared by Swati and her volunteers. In addition, foods from around the world were provided by members. The International selection was eye-appealing and tasty. Some of the countries represented were China, Mexico, Italy, Germany, and the good old USA. Everyone enjoyed sampling the gourmet food selection.
The evening event began with appetizers and beverages. Club President Christiane started the event by greeting everyone. Beth Swift gave the invocation, PDG Lane Calvert led the group in the 4-way-test, Chris Norby, our song leader, had us singing “Jingle bells” and “Your friends are my friends.”
President Christiane Salts and President-Elect Beth swift organized a White Elephant Gift Exchange, which was enjoyed by all. As the gifts were opened and exchanged, the camaraderie began. Gifts were stolen and traded – the attendees were intently watching as the process continued. In the end, smiles were seen all around.
After the gift exchange, a delightful array of tasty deserts was happily consumed. The group determined that we should do it again next year. Buena Park Rotary meets each week on Wednesday at noon in Mrs Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant. Visitors are welcome.