2011.05 Walter Ehlers Luncheon May 5, 2011

90th Birthday
Walter Ehlers
Buena Park Rotary Club
Greeters JROTC team
Volunteer Facilitators: Col. Bob Meyers, Ron Carnes, Bob Graves, Kenny Vaughn, Baron Might, Carlos Franco, Woo Lim
Registration: Carrie Salts, Karla Galindo, Maha Rayan
Welcome by Club President Christiane Salts
Invocation Rev Doug Scholten, Christ Community Church
Greeters and Color Guard: JROTC Magnolia High School Col Greg Linden advisor
Cadets: Glenn Punzalan, Erinne Bass, Amaurik Moreno, Jorge Obando,
Josie Dominguez, and Anthony Amador
Pledge: PDG Jim deBoom
Four-way-test: PDG Lane Calvert
Song: “God Bless America” Baron Night
Opening remarks Event Chair Dennis Salts Introductions
Roland and Walter Ehler
Walter’s Army History: Col. Bob Meyers
Presentation for Roland
Paul Harris Fellow for Roland: Johrita Solari and Greg Owen
Golden Eagle for Roland: Dennis , George, Johrita and Greg
Walter’s Community Service History: Diane Scheerhorn
Presentations for Walter Family and Community Award Johrita Solari and Christiane Salts
Pin and Flowers for Dorothy Walter’s wife: Christiane
Flowers for Catherine Walter’s daughter: Christiane
Sing Happy Birthday with special guest: Snoopy
Attendees make Toasts to Walter Ehlers.
Mrs. Knott’s Carrot Cake with Boysenberry filling was served.
Closing remarks President Christiane