2011.06 06 Fourth of July Fundraiser

2011.06 06 Fourth of July Fundraiser

Fourth of July Fireworks sales at the joint Centralia Foundation and Buena Park Rotary booth will help the Buena Park Community.

Starting Friday July 1st and continuing through Monday July 4th, Buena Park Rotary in partnership with the Centralia Education Foundation will man their fireworks booth. The booth is located just west of Western Ave. at 7300 La Palma Ave. across the street from the Buena Park Post Office, in the Walter Knott Education Center parking lot. We ask that concerned citizens buy their fireworks at our booth and may also help out by volunteering with us at the booth.

The funds earned at the booth will help both Centralia Education Foundation and Buena Park Rotary to fund programs in our community and beyond.