2011.07 05 Transition Dinner Photo’s

Buena Park Rotary Club Honored Christiane Salts and Elizabeth Swift at a Dinner Meeting on Saturday, July 9th at the Knott’s Resort Hotel.
Distinguished Guests, Rotary Club members, family and friends honored two terrific leaders: Club President 2010-11 Christiane Salts
New Club President 2011-12 Elizabeth Swift
The Invocation was offered by Greg Swift, Pledge by Shailesh Shah, Four-Way-Test by Virginia Vaughn and the Song by Baron Night. Dr. Swift and Christiane Salts introduced Rotary members, relatives and friends in attendance. PDG Jim Young and PDG Lane Calvert made opening remarks. During the event, President Christiane Salts reported on her year achievements with slide show. During her year Buena Park Rotary earned the Honor of being a Distinguished Rotary Club by the International President. Next, Club President Salts mentioned several goals which had been reached over the course of this year. One highlight was World Polio Day in October, when the Buena Park City Council members attended a special event and issued a proclamation in recognition of Rotary’s fight to eradicate Polio. Our club strengthened our ties to the Buena Park community, via connections with the Buena Park City Council, Woman’s Club, Library, Police Department, Knott’s, and both Buena Park and Savanna High Schools. In the community, our club has promoted literacy and knowledge of the Rotary Four-Way-Test, by donating Andy & Elmer Apple Dumpling Adventure books to local schools in honor of our speakers. The club enjoyed having two family-oriented club parties at member homes this year, one at Woo and Mina Lim‘s residence in the fall and another at Shailesh and Swati Shah’s house at the start of the New Year.
Outgoing President Christiane Salts was presented a plaque in her honor by Dr. George West and Shailesh Shah, after which Dennis Salts presented her with a Past President’s pin. Dr. Elizabeth Swift received her President’s Pin from outgoing President Chris Salts. Dr. Swift spoke about her goals as Incoming President. Using a number exercise, Dr. Swift conducted a short participatory exercise which made the point that we are all individuals in the way we view things, but can work together to arrive at solutions. At the end of the evening, gifts were presented to special attendees. The grand finale was when President Swift presented a quilt she made using 28 squares submitted by Rotary members to Christiane.
Rotary District 5320 Officials in attendance were PDG Jim Young and his wife Dottie and PDG Lane Calvert and his wife Connie, District Community Service Director Dennis Salts and his wife Club President Christiane Salts. Rotary members attending included, Dr. Elizabeth Swift Buena Park Councilmember and her husband Greg Swift, Dr. George West, Garden Grove School Board Trustee, with wife Anh, Shailesh Shah with wife Swati, Woo Lim, Denny Baron, Virginia Vaughn and husband Kenny, Karla Galindo and husband Rigo, Ron Carnes and wife Cindy, Baron Night, Buena Park Councilman Miller Oh, Charles Repp, and Carrie Salts. Other dignitaries included Fullerton City Councilmember Bruce Whitaker with his wife Linda. Rotary Family members attending were Donna Bagley, Victoria Buschor, Tibor Ador and his wife Mary, Tracy Salts, Richard Clarke, Cynthia Thacker and her mother Ellie, Ruth Swift, Leslie May Legaspi, Carlos Franco, and Carla Acebo.
Buena Park Rotary meets at Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant on Wednesdays at 12:00.
Visitors are welcome to attend and see what Rotary does in the community and around the world. BPRotary.Org
Buena Park Rotary is part of a worldwide network of
inspired individuals who translate their passions
into relevant social causes to change lives in communities