2012.03 06 Carlos Franco New Generations Service Award

2012.03 06 Carlos Franco New Generations Service Award

Cal-State Fullerton Senior
Graduate Buena Park High

Carlos says his involvement in the community began in 2005 while a sophomore in High School. He attended RYLA and that experience was life-changing.

Community Service Activities

BPHS Interact President

Rotary District 5320 Interact AG

Scouting for Food Team leader for two years.
Team Leader of HS volunteers who visited Buena Park Convalescent home for six months.
Christmas shopping sprees, 2 years in HS and continuing while in College.

Rotaract District 5320 Governor for all of Orange County and part of LA County
Operation One Family Resident Team Leader for weekend at Vanguard University.
Helping at local soup kitchens
Cleaning up beaches
Mentored Teenagers for a year with OC On Track, now known as America On Track.
Volunteer at YMCA to gear at-risk children towards the pursuit of education.
Leads a team of College volunteers at BP Rotary Fireworks booth each year.
Adult Advisor (Dad) at Interact Symposium in 2011.
Advisor at the Academic Advisement Center at Cal State Fullerton helping at-risk students.

“Reflecting back into my childhood and adolescence, I sometimes think to myself: “I wish someone did that for me,” but in reality, they did. Organizations like Rotary are what make the world go round, they are the shining pillar of hope when we find ourselves lost or distracted. The concept of a community service-based club like Interact helped keep me in check, but the people that guided and pushed, and did it all with an altruistic smile, made the difference.”