2012.03 09 Shailesh Shah Rotarian of the Year

Shailesh Shah lives by the principals of the Four Way test. He treats people with respect and is highly respected in the community.
• Career:
In his career in the area of International Business, Shailesh is respected by professional associates, employees, and customers. He challenges people to be the best they can be, and helps them to achieve their goals. He is an entrepreneur who has started successful businesses.
• Rotary
In Rotary, Shailesh is active in our club and beyond. He and his wife Swati are Paul Harris Fellows. Shailesh is Past Club President. He has done an outstanding job as both Foundation Chairman and Web-site Director. Shailesh was a volunteer at two International Conventions: Salt Lake City and LA. Shailesh was instrumental in hosting Rotary President Elect DK Lee when he visited our District. He has served on many Rotary projects and events: District Assembly, District Conference, Leadership Awards Luncheon, etc.
• Community
In the community, Shailesh participates in activities with schools, the library and the Chamber of Commerce. With youth, he helps facilitate RYLA camper selection and support. He started the Teacher of the Year Program at Buena Park Rotary. He served on the Family Fossil Day Committee, Needy Children’s Christmas Shopping Spree, and Coyote Interact Chili-Cook-Off committees.
• Humanitarian
As a humanitarian, Shailesh encouraged our youth groups to send packages to our troops overseas. He helped establish a Sister City relationship with a Rotary Club in India. He worked to set up a matching grant. Shailish was instrumental in helping our club to raise funds for End Polio Now.
Shailesh models the Four Way Test. He has earned the respect of all who know him. He is referred to as a person who can be depended upon and trusted.