2012.05 08 Rotary Family Fun Day

2012.05 08 Rotary Family Fun Day

Rotary District 5320’s 4th Annual Rotary Family Fun Day was held on May 19th.
The event was held at the OC Outdood Education Center
Interact Club Officers from around District 5320 attended workshops and participated in
The low Ropes and Archery Courses.
The noon time luncheon was in the lodge and included:
1. International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians Cliff Dochterman Award.
2. awards for Interact Club of the Year and Interactor of the Year.
3.Carlos Franco received his Paul Harris Fellow Award from
DG Greg Owen, PDG Lane Calvert and Dennis Salts

BPHS Interactors who attended were:
Daniel, Hershell, Sam, Mohammed, and Isaac
and Advisors Carlos Franco, and Dennis Salts