2012.09 02 Rotarian of the Year Christiane Salts

Christiane Salts is a stellar example of someone who models ethical behavior.
She has built a reputation of being quick to listen, measured with judgments, and being
Honest, Fair and Beneficial to all concerned.
Buena Park Rotary and the community have greatly benefited from Christiane’s leadership.
She is involved in Rotary, Woman’s Club, Church, Local Charities and Schools where she
models the essence of the Four-Way-Test.
In her 37-year teaching career, she was known as the go-to person to get things done in a fair and honest way.
As Rotary Club President, she led our club to new heights, and received the Distinguished Rotary International Presidential Citation. In Scouting, she earned the Cliff Dochterman Award from the International Scouting Rotarians Fellowship.
In summary, Christiane exudes the spirit of the Rotary Four Way Test.