Member Forum & a Speaker Terri Vanworkum

Treasure Box is an organization which provides high value meals at a low cost for the community. The Treasure Box: Hosted By: Terri Vanworkum

District Business Rotarian of the Year

Rotary District 5320 will hold it's Business Rotarian of the Year awards luncheon at the Knott's Hotel 11:45AM on Sept 25th.

Zone Institute Sept 8-11

Zone Institute in Monterey. Christiane & Dennis will attend this annual event for Rotary Leaders.

Chili Cook Off at Buena Park High

Barbara Crampton's class will provide us with a chili tasting contest. Meeting will be at Buena Park High School. Regular meeting day and time.

Hits, Runs & Errors: Hosted by Jay Johnstone

Jay Johnstone is a former player for the Angel's and Dodger's. He will give us a play by play story of Baseball. Baseball Legends charity games are also in play.