District Assembly at Chapman University
District Assembly at Chapman
District Assembly at Chapman
Elizabeth from Buena Park's own Giving Children Hope will provide us with an update on their world wide charitable programs.
Newport Film Festival will be held on April 22-29, 2010. We will be invited to part of the festivities. Are you ready for Stardom?
District Speech Contest
We meet at Savanna High at 7 AM to be in the annual Savanna High Vocational Service Project. We serve on review pannels, each 12th Grader give a report and review the performance. This is a very interesting and worthwhile … Continue reading
RYLA 2010 Fri April 23, Sat 24 & Sunday 25.
Teacher of the Year Luncheon
District Hospitality Night
District Conference Fri & Sat April 30 & May 1st At Knott's Resort Hotel
Fellow Rotarians George West and Shailesh Shah will give us a tour of India during the height of the British Empire.