Club Meeting moved to Sunday 6 PM Knotts Hotel for Transition Dinner
Weekly meeting moved to Sunday the 11th at Knott's Hotel for Transition Dinner at 6 PM
Weekly meeting moved to Sunday the 11th at Knott's Hotel for Transition Dinner at 6 PM
Transition Dinner for Maha & Christiane 6PM at Knotts Hotel
Rotary Presidents Meeting
On July 14th at our meeting Club President Christiane Salts will report on the Rotary Intertnaional Convention which she attended in Montreal Canada.
When you need help fast.
Joshus brings us "Tony Robbins" and self motivation in action.
The Orange County Building Industry Association will brings us up to date on plans for building changes in Orange County.
Orange County Building Association will give us a glimse into Orange County's future building landscape.
Brian is involved with the Huntington Beach desaltinization project. He will gives an overview as to our future water displacement.
OC Business Services with Chris Storm