Rotarians at Work
April 26 is the day all Rotary clubs will do service projects in their communities.
April 26 is the day all Rotary clubs will do service projects in their communities.
American Cancer Society representative Taryn McDonald will talk with us about the June, 2008 "Relay For Life."
Excellance night at President Meeting awards will be give out.
Alyson Burns covers all of the current youth oriented Y.M.C.A. programs from the non-Village People's point of view.
Rod Propt-the manager of the Fullerton Airport- will give us the latest and greatest regarding our next door neighbor.
Annual Interact Awards Party for Both Savanna & Buena Park High Interactors. At Knott's Resort Hotel.
Rod Propt is the General Manager of the Fullerton Airport. He will give us an update on what is happening in the world of flight.
We will honor our Interactors at Knott's Resort Hotel at 5 PM. Don Prescott is our host.
At our Luncheon on May 28th we will honor a group of outstanding citizens and two of our members. Please try to attend. President Shah
Doreen Mayo is part of "Canine Companions For Independence." This group trains dogs to be companions to people who need them.