Fullerton Airport-The View From Above: Hosted By: Rod Propt
Rod Propt-the manager of the Fullerton Airport- will give us the latest and greatest regarding our next door neighbor.
Rod Propt-the manager of the Fullerton Airport- will give us the latest and greatest regarding our next door neighbor.
Annual Interact Awards Party for Both Savanna & Buena Park High Interactors. At Knott's Resort Hotel.
Rod Propt is the General Manager of the Fullerton Airport. He will give us an update on what is happening in the world of flight.
We will honor our Interactors at Knott's Resort Hotel at 5 PM. Don Prescott is our host.
At our Luncheon on May 28th we will honor a group of outstanding citizens and two of our members. Please try to attend. President Shah
Doreen Mayo is part of "Canine Companions For Independence." This group trains dogs to be companions to people who need them.
Jan Norman- Orange County Register Columnist- will demonstrate how to use the internet to grow your business.
RI Convention 12 thru 18
A great Rotary party will be held at the new Nokia theatre in LA on Sat June 14th.
On the 15th of June we plan to take 100 or more Interactors to the LA 2008 Rotary Convention for the day.