District 5320 Conference

District Conference is May 4th & 5th. Hospitality night is Friday May 4th

Dist Conference and Family Fossil Day

District Conference is May 4th & 5th. On the 5th Awards, Speech Contest winners give their talks.Workshops and a keynote speaker. Dinner Dance in the evening. In Ralph B Clark Park Family Fossil day will be held.

BP City Wide Memorial Day Program

Buena Park Annual Memorial Day Program, Steve Chen is a Speaker at this event. members will carry our Flower Wreath.

(Noon) Ridge Route story (5PM) Interact Awards

Noon Luncheon speaker at Mrs Knotts "The Ridge Route or Bust" Hosted by Harrison Scott The history of and the current preservation efforts regarding the 1915 California highway known as "The Ridge Route." ........................................................................................................................................... At 5 PM Buena Park Rotary … Continue reading