Rotary Volunteer Training for TNT Fireworks Booth

Our last preevent TNT Planning meeting is at Mrs Knott's from 11-12 ................................................................... Fireworks Training and lunch for our volunteers from 12-1:15 All Rotarians should attend this meeting.

Fireworks sales

Fireworks Booth at Walter Knotts School

Fireworks sales

Fireworks Booth at Walter Knotts School

Fireworks Site Clean up

Members & Volunteers will clean up site & have a debrief of our efforts. ......... TNT pick up booth by noon.

Rotary Party and Transition Dinner

A Dinner meeting where we honor Steve Chen and Shailesh Shah. The cost is $20 per person. time 6:30 to 9 PM at the Knott's Resort Hotel..Menu Prime Rib, Chicken or Vegetarian .with Rotary Club Carrot cake...................................... This annual event … Continue reading

12:00 Chris Norby and 2:30 Operation One Family

12:00 Chris Norby topic: The origins of the names of cities and other places. Or, what were they thinking?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Operation one family meeting, 2:30 Scout HQ. Operation One Family will be on Aug 2-5. Come join in the planning.