Test Event
Ray Cruz event
Ray Cruz event
Fellow Rotarians Beth and Greg Swift share some of the many places they have had the pleasure of visiting.
8AM to 12:00. Free to Rotarians. This is a great day with workshops covering all activities of District 5320.
Savanna High School Student Reviews 7AM-10AM
Brad Dacus- President of the Pacific Justice Institute- will discuss the PJI, current legislation, and hot button issues of the day.
Larry Greenfield-Vice President of The Claremont Institute- will cover how over the last 70 years American movies have either reflected or influenced American culture.
Come and honor our 2009 "Teacher of the Year." Candidates were selected by the schools.
Bruce Hird- Director of "The Boys and Girls Club of Buena Park"- will present the details regarding their "Project Phoenix" program.
Rotarians are invited to attend the Buena Park Police Appreciation Luncheon at the Knott's Hotel. B.P. Rotary will have a table. Regularly scheduled meeting at Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurant will be dark.
Come and honor our 2009 "Citizen of the Year." Previous winners will be in attendance.