Father of The U.S. Contstitution: Hosted by: James Madison
Former U.S. President, the father of the U.S. Constitution, and author of the Bill of Rights James Madison will be our featured speaker.
Former U.S. President, the father of the U.S. Constitution, and author of the Bill of Rights James Madison will be our featured speaker.
Weekly Meeting Dark for Thanksgiving
Debra O'Connor will present a detailed study of alzheimer's and it's warning signs.
Pizza party at B.P.H.S. for our chili cook off teams. We will be meeting at B.P.H.S. in Barbara Cramton's classroom #84.
The "Buena Park, Cypress Middle College" will be a January, 2011 opportunity for Buena Park High School students.
We wish all Rotarians, their families, and friends a very merry Christmas.
President Christiane Salts will conduct a Rotary Forum.
On Wed Jan 5th BP Rotary will hold an Awards Pizza Party at BPHS. Time 12:00 Noon.
Julie Toledo and Alice Rogan will give us the final word on the completion of the I-5 Gateway Project. Also, some info on "Son of M-1" = M-2.
The Buena Park based square dance group Boy's N' Berries will give us a history of square dancing. Members will have the opportunity to participate in a square dance.